Will he now apologise for misleading the people of Wales and in his constituency? Will he pay to publish a new more accurate account of the number of jobs available?? Now John Smith MP says we must be careful?....a little late for that noww that the welsh people have been repeatedly told that there will be 5,000 + jobs and that is the basis for ALL the politicians backing it. Time to ask some questions ...the people of Wales deserve better.
John Smith MP in the House of commons on Thursday 28th Feb says there are only 3,000 jobs...

Metrix has used the most conservative calculations to show that it will create at least 1,500 jobs in the wider community of my constituency of Vale of Glamorgan and south Wales generally. Metrix uses a multiplier of 0.5. That means that every new military job—uniform or civilian—that comes to St. Athan will create half a job in the community. The company therefore estimates 1,500 jobs and a total of 4,500. That is down from the original total of 5,500 but I stress that the estimate is conservative. The usual multiplier for military bases that move into an area and provide work is between one and a half and three times the number of military jobs.
The number of jobs that we get in Wales depends on us, not Metrix or anybody else. It depends on our preparedness to take up the jobs and the opportunities that come our way as a result of the process. If one read the BBC website on the day of the announcement, one would have believed that we had lost out. The calculation that I explained does not include the training of at least 6,500 military engineers every year at St. Athan. The jobs that that will create are not even factored in. It is a huge opportunity."
Note that Raytheon armsdealers is a key partner of the Metrix consortium - They mislead people in Northern Ireland ....Raytheon managers have been in collusion with Invest Northern
Are we sure they are telling the truth here to the Welsh people???
Contact John Smith MP smithj@parliament.uk
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