Time for politicans to give us the facts - Cllr Margaret Alexander welcomes Raytheon - Not welcome in Belgium, Norway ...
Taking aim at those who finance Cluster bombs
Lima: Taking Aim at Those Who Finance Cluster Bombs
The six biggest producers of cluster bombs — Lockheed Martin, EADS, Thales, GenCorp, Textron and Raytheon —
The Vale of Glamorgan Council has expressed its delight at the news that a £14bn military academy is to be built at RAF St Athan.
Email: mealexander@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk
Actually 19bn
The Metrix Consortium proposal will bring a large number of highly skilled jobs to the Vale and will transform the area for decades.
Not true - lots of jobs will be transferred to St Athan that the local people don't have the skills for - So how many jobs???
The Council has always maintained the St Athan site is one of the most attractive in Wales for such a development, and Leader Cllr Margaret Alexander said: "It is rewarding to see that this has now been recognised in the decision by the Ministry of Defence. I am delighted at today's news.
"The 4,000-plus direct jobs that this proposal will bring will undoubtedly lead to many more jobs being created throughout South Wales, with all the benefits that this brings to the local economy."
NOT TRUE _ 4,000 jobs - where did you get that figure from??? Certainly PCS fighting MOD cuts and Privatisation elsewhere don't agree
The Council, at both member and officer level, has worked hard with the Welsh Assembly Government and with Metrix in preparing the bid. Cllr Alexander added: "It was important for the Council to demonstrate that it could efficiently deliver a project of this scale through the necessary statutory processes. It has also been very encouraging that the local communities around St Athan have always been supportive of this bid, and I am sure this has been another major factor in its success."
The Council now looks forward to working with Metrix and the Welsh Assembly in delivering the proposal and in ensuring that the benefits are spread as widely as possible throughout the Vale and the rest of South East Wales.
Handicap International activist Anne Villeneuve said that 98 percent of victims of cluster munitions are civilians, the great majority of whom are poor, and many of whom are children.
Cllr Alexander continued: "The hard work that has been undertaken by my colleagues in all parties, along with their partners in the Welsh Assembly and Metrix, has paid off.
"This proposal will transform the area and there will be many challenges to meet in terms of necessary infrastructure, education, skills and housing. This Council is up to the challenge and looks forward to playing its full part in delivering this exciting project."
Exciting project??? - inviting Metrix - including cluster bomb makers Raytheon who are
For more information visit our Planning Development Brief page, which contains the St Athan Development Brief and maps.
Raytheon (USA) produces the AGM154 Joint Standoff weapon (JSOW), an air-delivered bomb with some cluster munition variants. For example the AGM154A, the standard version, contains 145 BLU-97/B sub munitions. Also the Tomahawk cruise missile has amongst its variants a submunition warhead Explosive investments
We need your help to tell the Welsh Assembly Government and Cllrs in the Vale of Glamorgan that this approach is unacceptable.What you can do: Sign petitions• Send an email to Foreign Secretary David Miliband• Sign the Downing Street petition• Collect signatures to Get Them MilibannedWrite to your MP• Write to your MP with the guidance of this sample letter
Increase awareness in your community
Belgium has not only banned the production of cluster bombs, but also adopted a law in March that bans banks and investment funds operating in that country from investing in companies that make these munitions. All countries should follow Belgium’s lead
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